LEDS GP in July 2016

See what LEDS GP has been up to this month, including reports from our regional events in Asia and Africa, a series of reports on the benefits of LEDS and webinars from our LEDS LAC team.

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Welcome to our July newsletter

Dear colleagues,

This past month feels like our busiest yet, with regional events in Africa and Asia taking place simultaneously. Our Asia LEDS Partnership hosted the Asia LEDS Forum and held their regional workshop in Hanoi from 27th June to 1st July; read up on the highlights from day 1 and day 2. Meanwhile, our Africa LEDS Partnership held their Kigali event on financing NDC implementation on 27th June, with additional mini grids training during the Africa Carbon Forum. You can download the presentations from the event or check out our event report.

Our Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Platform (LEDS LAC) has been just as busy, hosting three webinars on opportunities for reducing short-lived climate pollutants in LAC, integrating adaptation and mitigation into the agriculture and forestry sector, and knowledge solutions to combat climate change.

Meanwhile, our Benefits Working Group released a series of reports on the many benefits of LEDS for ecosystem resilience, trade, employment, energy security, industrial competitiveness and gender equality. Our Energy Working Group shared their 2016 work plan and their LEDS Energy Communities of Practice scoping paper. To participate in this community of practice, please contact energy@globalclimateactionpartnership.org. Finally, our Subnational Integration Working Group has released their study on mobilizing a green economy in South Africa.

Warm regards,
the LEDS GP Secretariat


News, resources and events from LEDS GP


REAL request of the month:

To achieve its vision of an emergent nation status by 2030, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is receiving assistance, through LEDS GP’s Remote Expert Assistance on LEDS (REAL) service, to incorporate LEDS related concepts, objectives and approaches into its national development plan. Additional support is being provided to establish a DRC Center for Sustainable Excellence to catalyze support for governmental and nongovernmental actions in DRC and the Central and West African region, to address complex issues related to climate change and sustainable economic, energy, and resource development.