LEDS GP events at COP22

Join LEDS GP at this year’s COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco. The following events are open to everyone with a COP22 pass and the list will be updated regularly, so be sure to keep checking back to this page for updates or via our Twitter.

1) Africa LEDS Partnership side event: Supporting LEDS and NDC implementation in Africa

Date: Tuesday, November 8th 2016

Time: 12:00 – 14:00

Location: Salle 2, Africa Pavilion, Marrakech

Join the AfLP for a discussion on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and LEDS in Africa. The event features speakers Esther Wagombe (Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya), Trinto Mugangu (Ministry of Environment, Democratic Republic of Congo), and John Yeboah (ECREEE).

2) LEDS GP COP22 side event: Advancing country leadership on NDC action

Date: Friday, November 11th 2016

Time: 17:30-18:30

Location: U.S. Center, Blue Zone, Marrakech, Morocco

This event will highlight the experiences of developing countries’ leading efforts with LEDS GP and the U.S. Enhancing Capacity for LEDS (EC-LEDS) program to take ambitious climate action and enable replication of successful approaches in achieving NDC goals through economy-wide and sector-specific policies, finance measures, and integrated planning processes. The event will discuss how others can access tools and other resources and draw on the experiences of fellow practitioners to advance action on low emission development and NDCs.

3) Finance Working Group’s finance-related events at COP22

Date: Throughout COP22

Location: Marrakech

For Finance Working Group members planning to attend the COP, Working Group Co-Chair James Rawlins compiled a list of the finance-focused side events, in particular those that cover the financing of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), as this is such a key topic as we look to build on the Paris Agreement.

Photo: Neil Palmer (CIAT)