Annual event: 2017 LEDS LAC regional workshop

Location: Mexico City, Mexico

Date: 16 – 18 October 2017
Location: Mexico City, Mexico

The 6th LEDS Regional Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean (LEDS LAC) Annual Workshop focuses on the theme of ‘Governance for a resilient and low emission development: linking actors, sectors and government levels’.

The workshop provides a forum for government officials, international organizations, NGOs, and other actors working in low emission development to share experiences and best practices, strengthen capacities, and establish collaborative links for implementing nationally determined contributions (NDCs) identified in the Paris Agreement.

During the event, participants have the opportunity to:

  • explore the results of recent studies, planning tools and case studies from participating countries;
  • express opinions and share experiences in plenary and group discussions;
  • participate in training sessions organized by LEDS LAC’s partner organizations;
  • share the results of their projects with colleagues from across the region in the event marketplace; and
  • extend their network of contacts and identify opportunities for collaboration.

Register to attend here

Read about the 2016 LEDS LAC Regional Workshop

The full agenda will be available soon.