
An enabling framework for wind power in Colombia: what are the lessons from Latin America?

8am, July 31st, 2015

This article, An enabling framework for wind power in Colombia: what are the lessons from Latin America?, discusses the existing framework for enabling wind power in Colombia.

Although the Colombian framework does not specifically target wind power, it provides tax reductions for renewables. So far, such policy has favored conventional technologies (including hydro), at the expense of renewable energy technologies.

Other Latin American countries including Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Costa Rica have achieved fast deployment of wind energy technologies by combining feed in tariffs with other incentives such as portfolio standards and tax reduction. The Brazilian case is an example of how adequate incentives can add wind energy technologies to a power system that relies mostly on hydro sources.

Based on this evidence, we propose a policy for promoting renewables in Colombia by using schemes that combine feed-in tariffs and portfolio standards to make initial progress by 2020.

Read An enabling framework for wind power in Colombia: what are the lessons from Latin America?

Institutions Involved

  • National University of Colombia


Isaac Dyner, Yris Olaya and Carlos J. Franco
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