
Surface meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) dataset

3pm, October 09th, 2015

Surface meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) dataset promotes commercial use of NASA global solar and meteorological data for photovoltaic and renewable energy system design needs.

NASA, through its Science Mission Directorate, has long supported satellite systems and research providing data important to the study of climate and climate processes. These data include long-term estimates of meteorological quantities and surface solar energy fluxes.

These satellite and modeled based products have been shown to be accurate enough to provide reliable solar and meteorological resource data over regions where surface measurements are sparse or nonexistent, and offer two unique features – the data is global and, in general, contiguous in time. These two important characteristics, however, tend to generate very large data archives which can be intimidating for commercial users, particularly new users with little experience or resources to explore these large data sets. Moreover the data products contained in the various NASA archives are often in formats that present challenges to new users.

The SSE dataset compiles this information and makes it easier to access for commercial users.

The database includes:

  • over 200 satellite-derived meteorology and solar energy parameters
  • monthly averaged from 22 years of data
  • data tables for a particular location

Access the Surface meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) dataset.

Institutions Involved

  • NASA
Links for Resource