Top Stories from AfLP

Strengthening the case for mini grids in Africa 

April/May 2020: AMG CoP workshop series 

The African Mini-Grids Community of Practice (AMG-CoP) of the African LEDS Partnership hosted its 7th meeting that was held in an innovative and participatory way: a four-part virtual workshop series over three weeks in April and May 2020 on Strengthening the case for Mini-grids in Africa: Connecting the dots across rural electrification, climate resilience and sustainable development. 

Key topics of the workshop series included events on the role of governments and international climate finance in making energy access through mini-grids affordable, as well as on the rural electrification – climate resilience – sustainable development nexus. 

The workshop successfully brought together over 120 practitioners to carry on the AMG CoP’s peer-learning and exchange platform via virtual engagement. This workshop represented the AMG CoP’s largest yet virtual engagement. 

Please find further information, including the recordings and presentations, here

Launch of the AFOLU CoP with focus on livestock sector in Africa 

The Africa LEDS Partnership has relaunched its Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use Community of Practice (AFOLU CoP) focusing on livestock. The AFOLU CoP can count on strong support from the AFOLU Working Group under the technical lead of UNIQUE forestry and land use. The inaugural meeting in September 2020 brought interested participants across the continent together in a lively exchange on experiences, challenges, and ideas for the CoP. 

As part of the CoP activities, the AFOLU Working Group, together with the Marondera University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology and the Government of Zimbabwe, organized a virtual preparatory training for Tier 2 livestock GHG quantification in November and December 2020. The 3-day meeting brought together the focal persons, team leaders and team members of the country’s livestock sector across universities and research institutes on GHG inventory to capacitate them to better understand how to implement the IPCC Guidelines for Tier 2 quantification of livestock GHG emissions to strengthen the national MRV system. 

The participants developed a roadmap outlining the key options for compiling available data and collecting and analyzing new data. The AFOLU Working Group is in the process of compiling a report as part of the follow-up and will identify clear next steps in the process. The full proceedings will be shared on the AfLP website. 

Please find the CoP Announcement here. Interested to join? Please reach out to