Development Impact Assessment webinar: Catalyzing climate action in Zambia

Speakers: Caroline Uriarte - LEDS GP Secretariat, Nancy Serenje - Center for Energy, Environment and Engineering, Zambia (CEEEZ), TBC - Rural Electrification Authority, Zambia
Location: GoToWebinar

Join the webinar here.

Understanding the impacts of low emission development strategies on broader development goals is of growing interest to countries around the world. These goals include reducing poverty, improving health and local environmental quality, expanding energy and water access, and facilitating gender equality.

Development Impact Assessment (DIA) is a process that explores interactions between development goals and low emission development strategies. The process supports informed decision-making by considering how policies and programs intended to meet one goal may impact other development priorities.

Zambia has recently demonstrated pioneering leadership in this area. In 2015, the Rural Electrification Authority of Zambia (REA) and the Center for Energy, Environment and Engineering, Zambia (CEEEZ) began developing a DIA framework to assess impacts of a number of rural electrification projects, including grid extension and solar mini grid development.

The webinar will provide a high level overview of the DIA framework used to support these activities in Zambia, as well as case studies from REA and CEEEZ representatives, detailing the challenges and key successes of their rural electrification DIA framework. This webinar will also focus on describing application of the framework to support Zambia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution and other climate actions, which can inform similar DIA efforts internationally. The webinar will conclude with an interactive Q&A session.

Find out more about the LEDS GP Development Impact Assessment toolkit.

Register for the webinar here.

Photo credit: Elizabeth Hoffecker Moreno