
Building energy codes – best practices report for APEC economies

4pm, July 29th, 2015

This paper, Building energy codes – best practices report for APEC economies, was developed for the purpose of encouraging continued progress and innovation on building energy codes among Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies.

As the energy intensity of buildings steadily increases, energy codes and standards are understood to be important to reducing energy consumption and pollutants by making new construction more energy efficient. The built environment not only accounts for the highest portion of overall energy consumption in most countries, but it also has been identified to contain some of the most cost effective improvement opportunities. However, it is only by mandating standards which capture the energy savings potential in every building, through a code, that large scale energy efficiency can occur.

Much of the international discussion on energy codes in the past has been on the technical requirements; however, there is growing recognition that other important policies and programs are equally important. This paper seeks to fill that gap by identifying best practice areas and highlighting examples from among the APEC economies. While there is no one example to point to, there are certainly many economies making great progress on different best practices.

The primary objective of this paper is to share information on the activity that is taking place, increase awareness of opportunities among APEC member economies, and encourage ideas and strategies to be shared and leveraged for the benefit of each member.

Read Building energy codes – best practices report for APEC economies.

Institutions Involved

  • Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP) and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Links for Resource