
LEDS GP Finance Working Group factsheet (October 2015)

4pm, October 10th, 2015

The Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) Finance Working Group provides technical assistance, ‘match-making’, training and thought leadership on financing strategies and approaches.

Its LEDS Finance Conceptual Framework brings together the lessons learned and expertise from leading climate-finance organizations to provide a robust, common understanding of:

  • the concept of and guiding principles for LEDS finance
  • various mechanisms for LEDS finance
  • approaches to spur the financing of national and sub-national
  • LEDS actions, considering the local context
  • the major challenges currently facing countries in accessing financing, funding and possible solutions.

Priority areas of work are:

  • fiscal measures and their impact on LEDS financing
  • mobilizing private finance for LEDS
  • access to international finance.

Find out more about the activities of the LEDS GP Finance Working Group, how to contact the group and get involved, by downloading the factsheet at right.


LEDS GP Finance Working Group
Links for Resource