
Local Renewables Initiative

10am, July 27th, 2015

The Local Renewables Initiative web portal is a comprehensive resource about renewable energy for local governments. It’s the go-to web destination for local governments providing benefits, applications, success stories, policy models and good practices related to local renewable energy.

With the Local Renewables Initiative, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, supports and strengthens local governments which promote the generation and supply of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the urban environment. The focus is on the roles and responsibilities of local governments as the driving force for innovation and investment in their communities.

The use of Local Renewable Energy benefits local governments by:

  • Promoting sustainable and local resources;
  • Enhancing security of energy supply, using diversified and decentralised local energy provision;
  • Reducing the cost of energy transmission and distribution (and associated waste);
  • Moving away from finite sources of fossil fuel and reducing CO2 emissions;
  • Strengthening the local economy, considering new development opportunities that improve local employment options, in particular for growth of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs);
  • Using the expertise and development from local universities, researchers and NGOs;
  • Promoting innovate schemes for municipal funding working with the private sector (ESCOs).

Visit the web portal here: Local Renewables Initiative