
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions: insights from example development

1pm, July 21st, 2015

This paper, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions: insights from example development, aims to provide a more concrete definition to the term Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA), drawing on experience of NAMAs to date.

Ecofys elaborated in several projects, concrete examples of NAMAs to understand the issues arising from the concept. This report summarizes the knowledge gained from elaborating upon NAMA examples. By doing so, it attempts to address the following questions:

  1. What are possible examples for NAMAs?
  2. What are the important (implementation) issues that arise when developing concrete proposals?
  3. What knowledge is gained from elaborating upon NAMA examples?

Section two of this report briefly summarizes possible examples for unilateral or directly supported NAMAs, section three specifies implementation issues and describes the knowledge gained from NAMA development.

This analysis is based on a study of an example NAMA in the transport sector for Mexico, funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) as part of a project for the Dutch Ministry of the Environment (VROM) on defining NAMA examples for Mexico (building and transport sector) and work conducted for the Danish Ministry for Climate Change on NAMAs.

Read Nationally appropriate mitigation actions: insights from example development.

Institutions Involved

  • Ecofys
  • with contributions by Center for Sustainable Transport (CTS) Mexico


Martina Jung, Marion Vieweg, Katja Eisbrenner, Niklas Höhne, Christian Ellermann, Sven Schimschar and Catharina Beyer
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