Technical reference guide for ENVISAGE
The purpose of this document is to provide a complete specification of the equations of the World Bank’s Environmental Impact and Sustainability Applied General Equilibrium (ENVISAGE) model.
ENVISAGE has been developed to assess the interactions between economies and the global environment as affected by human-based emissions of greenhouse gases. At its core, ENVISAGE is a relatively standard recursive dynamic multi-sector multi-region CGE model. It has been complemented by an emissions and climate module that links directly economic activities to changes in global mean temperature. It incorporates a feedback loop that links changes in temperature to impacts on economic variables such as agricultural yields or damages created by sea level rise.
One of the overall objectives of the development of ENVISAGE has been to provide a greater focus on the economics of climate change for a more detailed set of developing countries as well as greater attention to the potential economic damages.
Read the Technical reference guide for ENVISAGE.
Institutions Involved
- The World Bank